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What type of cleaning is a Prophylaxis?

Fluoride varnish, how it can it prevent tooth decay or even better REVERSE it?

The practice of 21st century management of childhood decay allows Oral Care Accessto reverse early decay before drilling becomes necessary.  This is an extremely important concept when one understands that a filling will be the beggining of a lifetime of breakdown, repairs of the tooth and costly procedures which can involve larger fillings, crowns, root canals and even extractions - for those that can't afford the subsequent dental work. 


Center for Disease Control estimates that if just 50% of children at high risk participated in school sealant programs, over half of their tooth decay would be prevented and money would be save on their treatment costs.

Prophylaxis is a oral cleaning used for preventive care to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth to maintain a healthy mouth.  Due to build up of plaque and tartar on teeth, gingivitis can occur and result in inflammation of the gums. 


During a prophy, a hygienest or dentist will exam the whole mouth to provide the patient with a thorough assessment.  After the prophy is completed, oral hygiene instuctions will be taught to provide a child or adult with proper brushing and flossing techniques to maintain a healthy clean mouth.   


YES!  Modern science and technology has provided us with the ability to prevent and even reverse early decay!  Dental sealants combined with fluoride varnish will protect the teeth. 


Fluoride is a protective coating that is painted on teeth to help prevent new cavities and to help stop early childhood decay.  Fluoride varnish is recommended for all ages, including infants.  The fluoride varnish easily attaches to the teeth making the outer layer (enamel) of the teeth harder making it difficult for cavities to start.  The benefits of the fluoride will last for several months.

Dental sealants are a thin coating bonded into the pit and fissures of the chewing surface of permanent molars.  Sealants are an effective way in preventing tooth decay and are a primary preventive measure when properly placed and retained.  Sealants prevent tooth decay by creating a barrier between the teeth and decay-causing bateria to prevent cavities from growing and reduces the need for expensive fillings in the future. 


According to the Surgeon General's 2000 report on oral health, sealants have been shown to reduce decay by more than 70 percent. 

What is 21st Century Preventive Dental Care?

Sealants, what are they and how do they prevent tooth decay?

​What is a Caries Risk Assessment? 

What are the indicators and risk/protective factors?

Caries risk assessment  encompasses a methodology of identifying the cause of disease through the assessment of risk factors for each individual patient and then managing those risk factors through behavioral, chemical and minimally invasive procedures. The assessment tool is a part of an overall approach to prevent and treat the caries infection and is composed of the following:

  • Caries disease indicators– low SES (socioeconomic status); development problems; and presence of cavities, white spots, and restorations placed in the previous 3 years
  • Caries risk factors – type and quantity of Mutans streptococci (MS) and lactobacilli(LB); visible plaque; exposed roots; saliva reducing factors and inadequate saliva flow; frequent snacks; deep pits and fissures; and orthodontic appliances
  • ​Caries protective factors– systemic and topical fluoride sources; adequate saliva flow; and regular use of chlorhexidine, xylitol, and calcium and phosphate paste
  • ​Clinical examination – presence of white spots, decalcification, restorations, and plaque; and bacterial culture and saliva flow tests

Caries Risk Assessment fosters the treatment of the disease process instead of treating the outcome of the disease; gives an understanding of the disease factors for a specific patient and aids in individualizing preventive discussions; individualizes, selects and detmines frequency of preventive and restorative treatment for a patient; and anticipates caries progression or stabilization.

Copyright 2012 Oral Care Access

OCA at Work

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Larry, DDS: 503-221-4237

Marilyn, RDH: 541-945-4940

Fax: 503-336-1619

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